10 Benefits of Podcasting for Non-Profits

Child Watering a Green shoot


Working in communications for a non-profit, whether that’s a charity or NGO, you’ll be used to making your budgets work hard for you, and you’ll be used to working with a mission in mind.

And whilst it’s true that marrying those things can present a few logistical challenges, you’re probably more open to imaginative and creative approaches than an organisation with bigger budgets to play with!


What’s more, you have people on your team that are so fired up about and purpose-driven, they’ll be ready to try new things and pick up the tools to help them make it happen.


But even the most driven creative team has limitations on its time and resources, which is why Podcast Pioneers has found itself working with so many incredible organisations to create amazing audio programmes and films in the non-profit space.


Why do charities and NGOs make podcasts? Podcasting provides a fantastic opportunity for non-profits to share their stories and ethos with different audiences, so if you’re wavering, or just making a case to your manager, here are a few of the benefits of podcasting for non-profits:


  1. It’s an “evergreen” way to raise awareness for your cause

By creating compelling podcast content that’s clearly planned and with a strong message, you can release something that audiences will discover for months or even years to come, as long as you want them to! By optimising this content for organic search, or tying it into campaigns on other channels, you’re providing a gateway for people to access the work of your organisation as and when it speaks to them.


  1. It’s completely tailored to your voice and mission

Podcasting as a brand or organisation allows you to own the voice, tone and focus of your mission. If you want to overcome misconceptions about your subject area or mission, here’s your platform to speak your truth and showcase the expertise and authority you have in your subject area. What’s more, you can do this to a highly-coveted, multigenerational and diverse audience.


  1. Podcasting can help you build a following

Engagement is an enormous selling-factor in podcasting. By creating a compelling story you can build a regular and passionate following of people who genuinely care about your cause and want to understand how they can participate in social action. Podcast audiences give you an enormous share of their time compared to other media, listening or viewing whilst in their personal time, mostly via smartphones whilst doing other things like travelling, relaxing, working or studying. In fact, one study says that 94% of listening hours are consumed alone! That’s really something special.


  1. Imaginative content can leap genres and audiences

Podcasting can help non-profits reach people with diverse interests. By taking a creative approach, perhaps utilising unexpected genres, formats and voices to tell your story, you can take your message to a whole new audience demographic and take them on the journey with you.


  1. Audio moves people

Our behavioural relationship with audio is special. We listen to or watch podcasts in very personal spheres, often privately. What’s more, we seek out episodes that help us solve problems, speak to our hearts, educate us or somehow enhance our lives. The amount of trust we place in brands as publishers when choosing to listen to their content is an opportunity to create an emotional connection. What’s more, oral storytelling and evocative sound design can cause us to respond on a very animal level – from hairs standing on end to racing hearts and so on. Imagine capturing someone’s attention with a story so compelling that they think about it later! This is how ideas are spread and movements take shape. By making an amazing audio programme, you can cause people to feel, think, and take action for your cause.


  1. You can help people understand your charity, your people and your ethos

Branding is a big part of creating an emotional relationship and building trust with your audience. Whether you’re looking for donations, awareness of a cause, visitors to a location or any other support for your non-profit, podcasting can help you tell a story that helps you stand out from the crowd. What’s more, featuring real people can build identity and connection that helps your audience identify personally with the work you do.


  1. Podcasting can help charities change public perception

Even the most established charities need to move with the times and reposition themselves from time to time. If there are misconceptions about the work you do – from where it happens to who benefits or even what it is – you can challenge these through the highly-engaged medium of podcasting. A creative treatment that breaks the mould, surprises and delights listeners may be just what you need!


  1. It’s affordable

Time is money! You may pride yourself on the most efficient, passionate and driven in-house digital team on the planet but sometimes an expert can get it done in half the time and without the multiple other demands you have. At Podcast Pioneers we specialise in getting to know our partners and embedding in their teams so they can focus on the big picture.


  1. It’s multiplatform and integrative

Thought podcasts were just long audio chats with a paltry online following? Nope! Offering value for money on behalf of our customers means that we make sure every recording opportunity is an opportunity to build content that speaks to audiences at multiple touchpoints. Why say your message once when you can repeat it everywhere your target audience goes? From filming and the creation of short-form video content, to written articles, authored blogs, accessible transcripts, social media clip and quote assets and photography, one recording session presents multiple opportunities to create content that can follow audiences seamlessly across platforms and remind them of the important work you do.

  1. You can target and measure the impact you have

Once upon a time, measuring podcast interactions were limited, but those days are gone. Fortunately sophisticated integration of distribution platforms and more in-depth data means that you can analyse and refine content to work for your audience and make a difference. What’s more, audio doesn’t exist in a bubble on its own, but can connect with your communications ecosystem to ensure you deepen engagement and can track its impact multichannel to make sure people stay with you. From quantitative to qualitative data, there’s plenty of insights to be gained into who is listening to you and engaging with your cause.


Are you ready to start a revolution with audio and film? Podcast Pioneers helps charities, NGOs, education institutions, heritage organisations and purpose-driven companies reach diverse audiences and create positive change for society through audio.


Reach out to us for a chat to find out how we can help! Just email us on mail@podcastpioneers.com or call +447754659649